Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Today was like super freaking awesome. Ok well the bad parts of the week were that I dropped my camera. Yeah, my parent's are pretty freaking angry at me because the inner screen is like cracked and they think I'm irresponsible and can't trust me anymore. But anyways, the first good thing that happened today was that I somehow magically won this popcorn contest. We had a book fair and you guess the number of popcorn in the bag and somehow I got the closest so I got a gift card for a movie theater! And then my super mean language arts teacher wasn't there, so that was good, but also bad. My grade in language arts right now is a 91 and that's a B and I NEED to get an A, and the quarter ends on next Wednesday. So I need to bring my grade up to a 92.5 at least!!! :( I hope I can get an A or I will freaking hate myself. And then so we were dispersed and I was in this class and there was a boy in the class who I think is like super cute. Like he's really cute. And then he said "hey there" to me and he smiled!!!! I smiled back but I bet my smile was like really ugly and repulsive lol. And after lunch we were walking back to our classroom and we went outside and he like totally looked at me. He was in front and I was like in the back and he so looked at me. Haha or maybe I'm just paranoid. And then in 4th block the guy I like talked to me!!!! He just said something cause these guys at my table make this really lame pun with my last name and they go like "hey Yu" and "did Yu switch seats with him?" and stuff like that. And then the guy I like was like saying something to do with that and I was like...ahahahhahahahahahaha I love my life! But this weekend my parents are probably going to be really angry and start lecturing me on breaking my camera and stuff... Sooooo! I am so not excited for that. I really need an A. OH! And today at mathcounts I was like first place in the speed round! :) I was really happy because everyone was like "omg you're so smart!" and stuff like that hahah. And yesterday I touched this really cute guy... Ahaha well basically it went like this. We were at lunch and he was sitting behind me and the guy in front of me was like "get him for me. just tap him" so I did and then the guy was like "OMG JULIA LIKES YOU!!!!" and I was like "no I don't!!!" and then the guy in front of me again was like "you should thank me so now you don't have to wash your hands!" and I was like "ahaha hell no". But anyways he's really cute, he looks like Justin Bieber kind of if that helps. Justin Bieber is freakinnnnnn hot.

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